In this issue:

  • Executive Sessions: Why, Who, What, and How
  • The Source: Twelve Principles of Governance That Power Exceptional Boards -- Supporting Resources
  • Foundation Board Diversity: Five Things We Can Do to Break from the Current Reality
  • Identifying and Managing Risk

Don't forget to visit our library filled with all of our downloadable resources.

Executive Sessions: Why, Who, What, & How

BoardSource recommends that every board have regularly scheduled executive sessions. Read on to learn why they are important, who should attend, what might be discussed, and how to keep them effective.

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The Source: Supporting Resources

Have you been inspired by one of BoardSource's most popular books -- The Source: Twelve Principles of Governance That Power Exceptional Boards? If so, this resource directs you to additional information on how to govern in a “principled” way.

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Foundation Board Diversity

Foundation Board Diversity

Foundation board leaders — as well as those leading other nonprofits — are dissatisfied with their boards’ demographic diversity, but are not making it a recruitment priority. Kevin Walker, president & CEO of the Northwest Foundation, recommends how to address this problem on the BoardSource blog.


Foundation Board Leadership

Identifying and Managing Risk

Risk management is a complex topic that can be difficult to fully understand. This members-only resource is designed to help nonprofit board leaders identify those plans and policies that are needed to use risk management as a strategic advantage.

Download Now  member exclusive



BLF2015 Highlights

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