Your R+S To Inspire Effective Communication + Collaboration
Communication skills are central to the success of any nonprofit board but can become more challenging when navigating priorities, responsibilities, change, or conflict. Board members have different backgrounds, views, and values, and while this diversity benefits nonprofit organizations, it can also cause conflict or stress if communication between members becomes ineffective or personal. Learn valuable tips to help your board avoid communication breakdowns and inspire authentic, creative collaboration so you can leverage the invaluable strengths of a diverse board.
In this issue:
Can we talk about...? Podcast
Handling Conflict During Board Meetings
ePolicy Sampler – Communications
Consultant Directory
Talking About The Real Stuff Out Loud, Even When It’s Hard To Do
Tackling complex race-equity work and encouraging authentic leadership is critical to the holistic health of nonprofit boards and organizations. Listen to Monika Kalra Varma, the first BIPOC president & CEO of BoardSource, and Julia Wilson, BoardSource’s outgoing board chair, discussing how they navigated these issues as a united team at BoardSource.
Nonprofit boards regularly encounter conflict, as members often have differing backgrounds, values, and communication styles. Download our guide on handling conflict during board meetings to prepare for potential issues.
Sample Communications Policies For Your Nonprofit Board
BoardSource offers sample policies to help guide your board through the policy-creation process. Our Communications Policy Sampler includes 16 sample policies covering Media Relations, Social Media, Electronic Media, Crisis Communications, and Lobbying and Political Activity.
Nonprofit boards can benefit from direct support and guidance from a knowledgeable board consultant. To explore what a consultant can do to assist your board, visit our BoardSource Certified Governance Consultants directory.